In these difficult times, countless individuals and families are experiencing unimaginable hardships due to ongoing war. Homes have been destroyed, lives have been disrupted, the future is going to be challenging. But amid this devastation, there is hope, and that hope lies in the kindness and generosity of people like you. We have the opportunity to rebuild their lives with dignity, hope and resilience. My Team and I have been working tirelessly to support my people of Gaza and get us through this war.
Together, we can bring relief and restore hope to war-affected families. Your support is crucial in helping us provide immediate aid and build a foundation for a better future.
DONATE NOWThis is now an urgent appeal as winter is on our doorsteps. This will cover the...
$13382 raised of $8000
DONATE NOWMany families do not find a place to live in because of the repeated and permanent...
$13382 raised of $8000
DONATE NOWThe people of Gaza have been displaced from the homes and hardly find comfort in the...
$13382 raised of $8000
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